Building Lasting Relationships Through AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Human Care

The world has changed for car wash owners as it has for every other business. Today AI is changing the way businesses connect, communicate, get the job done, and how people associate with each other. In this session, you’ll discover how you can blend the best of time-honored principles for human business connections with the tools of AI. This will not be some mushy-gushy tech talk. Get to know valuable tech that you and your team can put into action immediately after the session. But the focus will be on building your business in the age of AI. In this session, you will see in step-by-step procedures what you and your team can do, should do, and yes, need to do. You’ll not only be able to stay up-to-date with what is happening but also be able to beat the competition and bring customers with you to a magnificent experience.

This session is led by Hall of Fame Speaker Terry Brock, who has worked with businesses around the world speaking and consulting. Brock has worked in radio, newspapers, and TV, and has his MBA in marketing. He presents technology in plain English with an entertaining style that will leave you glad you came.

The world has changed. Discover what you can do and what you need to do right away to get the results you need. Now is the time for action and you don’t want to miss this event.

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